Illustrator 部份
文件檢視模式(artwork, template, preview)。
點 / 線繪畫﹐調校﹐結合及移動之操作。
圖形轉動﹐量度﹐ 傾側﹐排列﹐ 對比﹐ 重疊﹐ 重覆﹐ 結合﹐重疊合併。
文字字形縮放﹐選擇﹐排列﹐ 連合﹐製作文字化圖(create outline)及插入計算尺。
Photoshop 部份
Bitmap images 與Vector images的分別。
利用Photoshop 新增的History功能去改正錯誤。
教授學員將一個影像套入至另一張圖片中。 如何將圖片放大,縮小及變型。
結合及輸出至不同檔案格式。 利用layer影像分層製作重疊﹐透明及多項效果的選擇。
修改相片的瑕疵﹐色差等。 濾鏡的運用。 製作不同的文字效果。
不同的繪圖工具的使用方法。 Channel的原理及應用及利用Channel加強相片的特別效果。
The document window
- rulers, margins, guides
- X and Y coordinates
- rulerorigin, pasteboard and page views
Using palettes
- align, attributes, character, colour
- layers, library, links, navigator
- pages, paragraph and character styles
- story, stroke, swatches, table, tabs palettes
Document setup
- layout options, grids, zoom and hand tools
- controlling windows and saving documents
Working with text
- creating text frames, typeface, point size
- line, character spacing, alignment, indents
- hanging indents, kerning, tracking, leading
Working with objects
- types of frames, basic shapes, selecting
- altering, aligning, step and repeat
- transforming, grouping and locking objects
Working in colour
- creating pantone (spot) and CMYK (process) colours
- appending, swatches, gradients, tints
- defining, storing, swatch libraries
Styling objects
- fills, strokes, corner effects, transparency
- drop shadows, feathering, using the eyedropper
Text effects
- wrapping text
- text on a path
- paragraph rules
Imported graphics
- placing artwork, specialty frames
- image import options, fitting
- clipping paths, applying effects to images
- working with layers, creating
- duplicating and deleting layers, layeroptions
Tabs and Tables
- tab characters, tab stops, leaders, creating tables
- table options, cell options, strokes and fills
- file options, creating PDF files
- PDF styles, exporting text
Advanced Illustrator 部份
Laying out a document
- options available for importing artwork by using the open command and the place command
Working with shapes & objects
- transforming shapes by using the transform tools and/or the transform palette
- transforming shapes by using the distortion tools, such as warp, twirl, bloat, scallop, crystallize, wrinkle, liquify
- create, use, and customize brushes
- modify overlapping objects by using the transparency palette
- change the appearance of objects by using the styles palette and Effects menu
- change the appearance of objects by using the appearance palette
- create graphs by using the graph tools
- create, use, and edit symbols by using the symbols palette and symbols tools
- create and modify compound shapes by using pathfinder palette
- transform shapes by using warp effects
- more about selection techniques
- assign variables to objects
Adding type to a document
- change the look of type by using the envelope command
- more about text
- creating columns of text
- making text wrap around graphics
- flowing text inside object
- setting tabs to create table
Creating 3D objects
- ways of making 3d objects :- Extrude, Bevel and Revolve
- fine tunning an 3d objects by setting different light sources, surface shading and mapping
- perspective settings
More about layers
- how layers can be used to help create and manage objects in a document
- change the attributes of objects in a layer by using the layers palette
- importing and exporting Adobe Photoshop layers
- export objects for a flash (SWF) by using the release to layers command
Publishing for the web
- options and considerations associated with preparing graphics that will be used on the web
- export Illustrator images that are optimized for publication on the web
- resolution and rasterization settings in the document setup dialog box
- create slices for objects and layers by using the slice tools
Colour correction
- workflow of colour correction
- tonal range, highlight and shadow discussion
- how to read histogram
- using level command
- how to remove colour cast
- how to improve the overall contrast and brightness of a photo
- technique to locate the highlight (brightest area) and shadow (darkest area)
- using the curve tool
- colour correction using the curve tool
- creating solarize effects
- creating posterization effect
- variation
- HSB method
- unsharp mask
- why using unsharp mask
- discussion on how the amount / threshold and Radius affect an image
Advanced layers operation
- adjustment layer
- advanced techniques in colour correction with the use of adjustment layers
- layer mask
- bitmap mask
- vector mask
- clipping group
Advanced channel operations and channel effects
- embossed text
- shadow text
- glowing effect
- channel editing
Threshold and posterization
- application of threshold and posterization to create defferent kinds of effect
- exercise will be used to demonstrate the above points
Coversion from gray scale image to a bitmap image
- 50% threshold
- diffusion dither
- pattern dither
- halftone
- pattern
Using actions
- create an action by using options in the actions palette
- play an action by using the batch command including using File Browser as the source
- create a droplet from an action
- describe the purpose of specific automate commands
Using baseline grid
- setting the baseline grid distance
- locking paragraphs to the baseline grid
- grid threshold
Advanced settings on justifications and hyphenation
- word spacing – minimum, desired and maximum
- letter spacing – minimum, desired and maximum
- single word justification
- hyphenation options – after first, before last, hyphen limit
- hyphenation zone
Keep options
- widnow and orphan control
- keeping title and body text together
- start paragraphs
- widow and orphan control
Paragraph rules
- rule before and after
- using rule to create title text effect
More about find and change
- changing text attributes
- wildcard searching
- changing styles
- using pen tool
- using pathfinder – add, substract, overlap
Text variable
- define variable
- insert variable
More on styles
- objects styles
- table styles
- create your own libraries
- using libraries
- storing objects and retrieving objects
Managing long document
- using book function
- how to synchronize styles and colour swatches in different documents
- table of contents
- numbering and section
- creating index
- using printer styles function
- preflight and package